Home Homage Project

On November 8, 2018 one of the deadliest and most devastating wildfires in the world hit my neck of the woods. The Camp Fire in Northern California claimed the lives of at least 85 people and hundreds of thousands of acres. Amongst the loss were over 14,000 homes. Homes that served a grand purpose of sheltering, protecting, and housing precious families, their memories, dreams, and experiences.
After the ash had cleared and the cleanup began I was eager to help in any way I could, to support those who had their lives forever altered. After much prayer and pondering on what I could do and what I would want if I were starting over, the idea of the Home Homage Project came to mind.
The idea of the Home Homage Project is an ode to the homes lost in the fires. The memories, dreams, and experiences remain in the hearts and minds of those who lived there, but I wanted to honor those homes that had served them well. I realized that as time went by people would move on, move somewhere new, perhaps rebuild and replace their possessions. I wanted to give a beautiful reminder of home and all it represented. I believe original art brings beauty, life, and character to a home and I wanted to offer that to those rebuilding their lives.
Here are just a few of the homes, some newly built, some handed down generations, all shapes and sizes, but each one loved and missed. Each one with stories written upon the walls, memories made, dreams protected and families sheltered and cherished. Now only a cherished memory itself, in the form of an 11x14 oil painting.
This project has become dear to my heart as I’ve been able to meet so many wonderful survivors and listen to their precious memories, their hope of things to come, and their gratitude for the time they had in their HOME.
If you or someone you know has lost their home to the 2018 Camp Fire and are interested in a free 11x14 oil painting of the home, please email me at: homehomageproject@yahoo.com